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Music: Anything is good if I don't need to drink to enjoy it. I work where I sell alot of old school stuff like originally signed memorabilia eg. Pink Floyd, Led Zep, Black Sabb, ACDC, Rolling Stones, Prince then there's alot of newer stuff like Fall Out Boy, MCR, Foo Fighters etc... so listen to some of that at work... under duress mind some of it is ok. I prefer funky stuff like one would listen to at the gym. I tend to put a bit of sneaky techno on when they leave me on my own at wk! Keen on anything really.Movies: Went & saw Kung Fu Panda yesterday with my son, Keagan. That was pretty cool. Nothing too blood & gutsy & hate chick flicks. If I'm not LMAO during a comedy I get a bit agro too but otherwise I like everything else.WhatImInto: Being a mother & working, there's not much time for anything else if you wanna be a half decent one. Can't even believe I've got time to put all this in but am rushing it.MyBestFeatures: My rack! Nar, ok, yeah. I dunno...never thought about.MyDreams: Already travelled, so maybe balancing my life. Wouldn't mind working for my local Council in a position where I have the authority to change lotsa stuff & designate funding then build a big skatepark for all the kids, do a few other community friendly things & leave the Council before I get kicked out? Continue to pay my crippling mortgage by myself! Nothing too demanding until Keagan goes to school. Daym, only 6 months left!
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